Thursday, July 19, 2012

Nelson Hernandez - Golden Gloves Champion Smiling

###Nelson Hernandez - Golden Gloves Champion Smiling###

He should be called "Fearless Hernandez" for many reasons. First, he did not hesitate to step into the ring with a higher ranking fighter. Secondly, he performed his best. Next, he showed vigor and estimation while fighting like a champ. Finally, he held the golden gloves championship for Wisconsin from 1982 to 1984.

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Former Golden Gloves Champion, Nelson Hernandez, was born in Puerto Rico. Inspired by two of his uncles, and also two of his best friends, he stepped into the ring at age fifteen, weighting 115 pounds, and completed thirty-seven fights as a Bantamweight. Hernandez ultimately moved to Wisconsin and trained with Israel Costa at the United society Center. Hernandez felt that every boxer should have a mentor, and should be inspired by someone who is able to furnish support, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

He felt that Costa has been a mentor and like a father to him; as a result, he currently assists Costa with the kids at the society town because of his love for boxing, his respect for Costa, and his desire to see the kids succeed. He is of the concept that thriving individuals should help their communities in some way or form. He is also inspired by Costa's description of training great fighters, such as Hector Colon, who ultimately became a national champion. As a result, he very impress upon other boxers to stay with a winner and be a winner also.

Hernandez entered professional boxing at age twenty-two. His achievement description spans the spectrum of completing thirty-three professional fights as a junior welterweight at 139 pounds, three fights as a welterweight at 147 pounds, and two fights as a junior middleweight at 155 pounds. Most of his fights were tough because he was all the time fighting greater boxers. His inspiration for young fighter is not to back down from other fighters; there is all the time a possibility of winning which depends on the moment.

Hernandez explained that the toughest fight he has ever had had was against Leonard Townsend of Chicago who ranked 10th in the world. Hernandez states. "I went ten rounds with him, and it was a tough fight." He felt that the fight was a real studying sense which he cherished, and that each fighter should walk away from a fight feeling that he has learned something useful.

Hernandez has worked with great trainers such as Al Mooreland and Eddie Brooks in Wisconsin. He is inspired by Sugar Ray Robinson, Robert Durand, Mohammed Ali, and Larry Holmes. He met and shook hands with Mohammed Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.) in 1985. Hernandez has fought professionally in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minnesota, and Canada. He also believes that the travels he experienced have made him a more knowledgeable someone of the world. He believes that everyone should make an endeavor to tour face of their neighborhood instead of remaining in just their one angle of a city, or town without knowing or experiencing the rest of the world, which should be a part of their education.

"My training was very strict, and my road work would begin around 4:00 a.m., beginning with running, shadow boxing, sparring, sit-ups, jump rope, bags and pads," Hernandez states. He continued with comments alluding to the fact that his training normally ends around 7:00 p.m., and he was not allowed to eat anyone after 7:30 p.m. Because of his diet. Hernandez is of the concept that his training and diet has impacted his life undoubtedly and has kept him is good corporal and thinking health over the years. He also impresses upon other to stay mentally and physically strong to survive in this world.

Regarding lessons learned he would have done things best in the financial area. Since leaving high school during the ninth grade, he was taken advantage of during his boxing work at times by others who withheld information. The bills he was presented with provocative meals, hotel rooms, traveling, etc, wiped out the profits he was to receive. "However, I continued to fight with high hopes of being able to accomplish my goal one day as a champ," Hernandez states.

He learned as others have that boxing is not as glamorous as it appears to be on television. There are many behind-the-scene actions that are not shown. He feels that younger fighters should not be naive and ought to know that they may be exploited in assorted ways. Additionally, they should be prepared to face frustrations. However, they should take note of such things and avoid such negative encounters in the future. Based on his firsthand experience, Hernandez implied that things would have been separate if he had the knowledge back then that I have now.

"Boxing has been a saving grace for me," Hernandez reflects. He made it known that one major advantage he achieved from participating in boxing is staying out of trouble. Some of his friends have faced legal problems and did not fare well. Some of his friends were committed to the criminal justice system after having problems with law enforcement. He feels that the youth of today should remain positive, make a determined posture, and deal undoubtedly with others; as a succeed this will negate negativity.

Regarding traveling Hernandez laugh and commented that he had a marvelous time in Canada and undoubtedly enjoyed the culture and the people. He reflected that the only thing he did not like, was the way they were searched at the border. On his first trip he had only American currency and was not sure about the accuracy of transactions; however, on his second trip, he took only Canadian currency and felt much best when he went out to eat. He fought Chad Brisson in 2002, a Canadian champion, which was his last fight.

Hernandez retired from boxing at age thirty-five. He stated that the revenue was not enough to support me and my family. He now works a regular day job. Additionally, he trains and mentors Angelo a light heavyweight attending a university and seeking a degree. With regard to Angelo's work Hernandez states, "I do not want to see him exploited by the system as I have been. I would like him to have the advantage of my firsthand sense as he progresses."

Nelson Hernandez - Golden Gloves Champion Smiling

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